The Booth Brothers - Stand Lyrics

Stand Lyrics

Some will say it's foolish
Some that it's absurd
But still we choose to build our lives
Upon God's holy Word
We know It's always perfect
We trust It in all things
It's holy and It's right
So whatever this life brings

We stand on what is timeless
We stand on what is true
We stand up unashamed
No matter what the world may do
We stand upon this rock
Spoken by the Lord of all
And though other lives built on sand may fall
We stand

It may not be in fashion
It may not be in vogue
But when we look at empty lives
All around we know
We could live pursuing power
Thinking pleasure satisfies
God's light cuts through the shadows
Revealing they're just lies

Let us trust His every word
Resisting every wrong
Let us read It and believe It
It's our only hope for standing strong

Stand Video

Stand Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Stand" by The Booth Brothers is a powerful anthem of faith, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the principles laid out in the Bible, despite the shifting sands of societal norms and values. The song is a testament to the strength found in standing upon the foundation of God's Word, even when such a stance is unpopular or misunderstood by the world at large. Let's delve into the meaning of the song, a chronological breakdown of its lyrics, and the Bible verses that underpin its message.

### Verse 1:
The opening verse introduces the listener to the notion that adhering to one's faith might be seen as foolish or absurd by others. However, it asserts the importance of building one's life upon the scripture, trusting in its perfection and guidance in all aspects of life.

**Biblical reference:** This verse echoes Matthew 7:24-27, where Jesus talks about the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. The rock symbolizes Jesus' teachings, highlighting the strength and stability found in living according to God's Word.

### Chorus:
The chorus is a bold declaration of the singer's unwavering stance on the Bible's timeless truths, undeterred by societal changes or pressures. It emphasizes a collective commitment to stand unashamed of the gospel, drawing strength from being grounded in faith.

**Biblical reference:** Romans 1:16 comes to mind, where Paul declares he is not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. This verse encapsulates the essence of standing firm in one's faith, regardless of external opinions.

### Verse 2:
In this verse, the song contrasts the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits such as power and pleasure with the enduring value of scriptural truths. It highlights how God's light reveals the emptiness of lives built on anything but His Word.

**Biblical reference:** Ecclesiastes 1:14 speaks to the vanity of chasing after worldly pleasures, likening it to "striving after wind." This verse underscores the song's message about the futility of living for transient worldly gains over eternal spiritual truths.

### Bridge:
The bridge serves as a rallying cry for believers to trust and adhere to the Bible, resisting wrong and embracing its teachings as the foundation of a strong, resilient life. It's a call to action, urging listeners to engage actively with scripture.

**Biblical reference:** James 1:22-25 discusses the importance of not merely listening to the Word but doing what it says. This passage emphasizes the transformational power of applying God's Word in one's life, which is a central theme of the song.

In conclusion, "Stand" by The Booth Brothers is a stirring reminder of the importance of anchoring one's life in the principles and teachings found in the Bible. Through its lyrics, the song encourages listeners to stand firm in their faith, resilient in the face of societal pressures and fleeting temptations. It reminds us that while the world may change, the Word of God stands forever as a beacon of truth, guidance, and salvation. Stand Lyrics -  The Booth Brothers

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